The following information
is from Richmond City Councilman Tom Butt's "E-Forum" sent 7/13/14
via email:

On July 10, the Richmond Planning
Commission certified the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and approved
a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the refinery modernization project, adding
a number of conditions
to those recommended by staff. Theoretically, Chevron could pick up the permit
and begin construction as soon as a Community Health and Wellness Agreement is
negotiated with the City Council.
But that is not going to happen. Tomorrow, Chevron will appeal the Conditional
Use Permit, and the City Council will hear the matter beginning on July 22, at
which time the City Council will only hear a presentation from staff and testimony
from the public.
On July 29, the City Council will reconvene to debate the matter and act, de
novo, on the Conditional Use Permit and the Community Health and Wellness
Agreement. The City Council may include or not include any of the conditions adopted
by the Planning Commission, and it may add new or additional conditions.
There appears to be a desire by the majority of City Council members to complete
this permitting action by July 29. The City Council will be taking the month of
August off and will not reconvene until September 16, 2014,