Downtown El Sobrante/Appian Corridor Redevelopment Plan (DESACRP)

In 2003 the Project Area Committee (PAC) meetings, mandated by CA Redevelopment Law whenever eminent domain is included in a redevelopment plan, were abruptly halted. Since then there has been a virtual BLACKOUT of information on the redevelopment plan. Some officials are even saying the plan is off the table. Supervisor Gioia's office has made comments to the effect that "we're not discussing redevelopment at this time" or "we're separating redevelopment from the upcoming general plan change". However, no County official has ever come out and publicly stated that the proposed DESACRP has been scrapped. In fact, there will be an upcoming "Town Hall" meeting on the General Plan change for El Sobrante. The General Plan (zoning) within the DESACRP redevelopment area WILL be changed. It is a known fact that redevelopment plans have been included in General Plan changes. Here is a 6 pg. document given out at the May 20, 2003 DESACRP PAC meeting entitled "General Plan Amendment Relating to San Pablo Dam Road Corridor" subtitled "Downtown El Sobrante-Appian Corridor Redevelopment Plan Adoption".


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