Comment from California redevelopment law prescribes that any redevelopment project include a certain percentage of so-called "affordable housing" which is implemented in so-called "smart growth" type building projects. The people living in these apartments are renters............
To view this item online, visit Saturday, December 13, 2003 America's future: A nation of renters Posted: December 13, 2003 1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Henry Lamb The generation that fought so hard to save the world from communism
is now working feverishly to condemn America's future to socialism. Through
dozens of programs, all designed to "protect" the land from development,
we are transforming America from the land of the free, to a nation of
Nearly every week, The Nature Conservancy announces a new scheme to "protect"
vast stretches of land through outright purchase, the purchase of development
rights or through conservation easements. TNC claims they have protected
nearly 12 million acres already, and have their eye on another 3 million
acres in Alabama and Tennessee. There are more than 1,200 similar "conservancy"
organizations in the United States, all doing the same thing.
When a person fragments the title to his land with a perpetual conservation
easement, or by selling development rights, he is, in effect, robbing
future generations of the opportunity to make their own decisions about
how to use the land. What right do we have to deny future generations
the use of prime real estate?
The Nature Conservancy paints a pretty picture during the sales pitch:
"Imagine a vast natural playground stretching from North Alabama into
Central Tennessee. Imagine forests, meadows, rivers and wetlands open
to the public for hunting, fishing, canoeing and hiking. Imagine farms
managed to be both self-sustaining and environmentally responsible."
Sounds good, until the "open to the public" goes away. And who decides
if, and when, and how long the area may be open to the public? Who decides
how to manage the farms? The owner, of course – The Nature Conservancy.
The private owners who are convinced to sell development rights or conservation
easements sell their right to use their land in any way that's not agreeable
to The Nature Conservancy. When it comes time to sell the land for retirement
or to pay medical bills, the land has little value, except to The Nature
Conservancy. The price is no longer subject to market demand; it is virtually
When The Nature Conservancy acquires the remaining rights to the land,
are they under any obligation to keep the land open to the public? No.
Their practice has been to use the land for development, for logging,
for oil, or for whatever purpose they desire, including selling vast portions
of unusable land to the government – often for a profit.
The campaign to save "the last great places" and all open space has been
incredibly successful and even more ridiculous. There is no shortage of
space in the United States. Less than 5 percent of the land area is developed,
according to the federal government. There is plenty of space, but less
and less of it is owned by private individuals.
Governments own nearly 42 percent of the land area and are buying more
land every day. Conservancy organizations are buying land for their own
"preserves" and selling what they don't want to government. Not only are
we stealing our children's birthright, we are condemning them to eventually
live in a socialist state, where government owns all the sources of production.
In every community where there is an "open space" bond initiative on
the ballot, people should organize to defeat it. In every community where
local government is planning to install a "comprehensive plan" to dictate
the future use of private property, people should organize to defeat it.
At the rate we are now transferring private property to government, and
to its surrogate "conservancy" organizations, it will take only a few
more generations before all the land is under government ownership or
control. America will then truly be a socialist nation.
Had this trend begun a hundred years ago, we would already be a socialist
nation of renters, subject to the whims of government. When there is no
more private land to produce property tax, will the government stop collecting
tax? Hardly. The government will allow us to work its land and tax our
productivity to whatever extent it wishes. That's how it works in socialist
This march toward socialism can be reversed by first recognizing the
gross disservice to future generations of our current land-grabbing policies.
Then we should force government to begin divesting its gigantic inventories
of land, returning it to the private sector where it can again be the
basis of our free-market economy.
This can happen only if we have an informed electorate that recognizes
the dangers inherent in the present trend, and then works to elect officials
at every level of government who share this belief in free markets and
are committed to keeping America the land of the free.
Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental
Conservation Organization and chairman of
Sovereignty International.