Public advisory boards, commissions and councils serve as excellent institutions
for empowering resident involvement, training grounds for ascending leaders,
and great opportunities for people wanting to serve.
I'm looking for you to join me in serving our County! [Actually these boards
exist to make the members feel they actually have some power to change things
in their respective venues- appointees are not to publically state opinions
contrary to the County line - only politically correct citizens/non citizens
need apply - Save El Sobrante]
County Board openings: Information & applications for all boards here.
Assessment Appeals Board -- District 1 seat. Established to assess and equalize
the valuation of the taxable property in the County for the purpose of taxation.
Check website for specific qualifications.
Contact: Jami Napier or 925-335-1908
Juvenile Justice Commission -- Open seats. Established to provide oversight
to the juvenile justice system and make public policy recommendations.
Contact: Apply and inquire here
Mental Health Commission -- District 1 member at large. Established to advise
County Board of Supervisors and County Mental Health Division.
Contact: Sarah Kennard or 925-957-2619
First 5 Contra Costa Children and Families Commission -- District 1 alternate.
Advocates for policies and programs to ensure all children ages 0-5 have safe,
healthy environments and communities.
Contact: Cecilia Perez-Mejia or 925.771.7320
El Sobrante Municipal Advisory Council -- 2 alternate seats. Provides input
on behalf of the El Sobrante community directly to the Board of Supervisors.
Contact: or 510.231.8692 [NOTE: This is
just another board that exists to give County residents the ILLUSION they actually
have representation at the County level; note that the job exists to "provide
input on behalf of the El Sobrante community" - why can't El Sobrante residents
just go directly to their County Supervisor?? - Save El Sobrante]
Contra Costa County Library Commission -- District 1 seat. Established to advise
the Board of Supervisors and County Librarian.
Contact: Form
Sustainability Commission -- 3 at large seats. Established to advise the Board
of Supervisors and County staff on climate issues, sustainability programs and
implementation of the Climate Action Plan.
Contact: Jody London or 925.674.7871
2019 Local Appointments List: