STOP SB1!!!!


SB 1 (Steinberg – Sustainable Communities Investment Authorities) will be re-introduced in 2014, as soon as the Legislature reconvenes. It may have a new Bill # and it must be opposed. Call and email everyone you know to make sure they contact their California Assembly and Senate representative in opposition to this Socialist Style Government takeover giving unknown power to unelected officials in government agencies, authorities, departments, boards, commissions, etc. This is the replacement for the scandalous Statewide Redevelopment Agencies that were abolished leaving a Total Indebtedness of approx. $187 BILLION Dollars, as reported in the State Controller’s Community Redevelopment Agencies Annual Report for 2010 – 2011. These thugs have no respect for you, your private property, your vote of approval, your pocket book, or the borrowing and debt that they will create. One thing is for sure, more government bureaucracies will be created with new titles, pensions, perks and salaries that you will pay for.

Subject: Declaration of Opposition to SB1

Read and Comment on Richard Hall's article "Don't Blink, Senate Bill 1 Is Coming" in the San Rafael Patch here

Call Your State Senator !!!!
Declaration of Opposition to SB1

The Declaration in Opposition to Senate Bill 1 is now in the hands of Governor Brown. A total of 711 signatures were verified, eliminating any duplicates and those with incomplete information under signatures. A copy of the cover letter, which accompanied the Preamble to the Declaration and a signature count by county is also provided.

Thank you for your participation and a special thank you to those who did such an amazing job of collecting numerous signatures from acquaintances, family members and organized groups. Two Steinberg aides stated that SB 1 will likely be brought before the Senate for its approval of the Assembly's revisions, and then the Governor's signature will be sought for passage into law.

What must occur next is thousands (yes,thousands) of citizen phone calls

(Don't delay--call TODAY--we think the bill will be heard and possibly voted on Jan 6) to the district members of the Senate to NOT APPROVE this Bill and to the Governor to veto this Bill if approved by the Senate. While 711 signatures for the Governor is not chopped liver (!), District Senate members must learn that thousands of California citizens oppose SB 1. If Democrat Senators hope to retain their seats in the Senate (I am not suggesting this is the objective), they cannot be immune to voter opinion calls. So I respectfully ask that you place on your "To Do" list for January, a brief period of time to phone not only your own District Senator but all District Senate Democrats and state your opposition to SB 1. An aide who takes your call may ask why you oppose SB 1.

Choose one brief statement from the below list or make up your own:
1. Senate Bill 1 stands in contravention of representative government and in defiance of the separation of powers invested in Constitutional government.
2. SB 1 invents new structures to govern people with new sources of authority, which subjugates the will of the people to the dictates of unelected bureaucrats.
3. Senate Bill 1 allows for the issuance of bonds without voter approval thereby circumventing a democratic process and preventing the sovereign people to observe and require accountability for any and all developments and policies that SB 1's Investment Authorities implement.
4. Senate Bill 1 authorizes the Investment Authority of a city or county to include a provision in its Plan for the receipt of tax increment funds. Such financing has heretofore increasingly over-burdened the State's financial resources in meeting school and county obligations and seriously deviated from redevelopment agencies' initial objective by underwriting commercial and profitable real estate ventures.
5. Senate Bill 1 redefines "blight" as "inefficient land use", an arbitrary and subjective determination for the benefit of the Investment Authority established through the Bill.
Here is the link to the District Senators . . .

Here is the phone number of the Governor's office to request that he VETO Senate Bill 1 . . .

Governor Jerry Brown

Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160

Funds Plan Bay Area


This bill is a THREAT to Rural and Suburban property owners


Expanding the Definition of
Declares suburban and rural lifestyles-which it terms "inefficient land use patterns-as "blight." Declaring suburban and rural land use a "blight" has appalling and stunning legal and political implications. How does it feel to have a target on your back from these people?
Creates mini-ABAGs (redevelopment agencies) not controlled by cities and towns. Allows eminent domain and funding power to assemble and fund massive high density housing projects in suburban downtowns.
Here's the full text of the bill

Citizens MUST oppose this law