These are the same guys who gave us Plan Bay Area! Will they never stop?


Subject: Stop Senate Bill #1 Steinberg/DeSaulnier - Eminent Domain abuse and Bond Debt without voter approval

Senate Bill #1 (Steinberg and DeSaulnier) is one of the most dangerous bills and must be stopped!
Please read this and forward to all your email lists. We need to stop this bill. It has already passed the Senate and is going to Assembly! Call your state Assembly member and ask them to oppose this bill! Here's the full text of the bill

Contact Info for Gov. Brown's office: Ask him to VETO
California Governor Jerry Brown
State Capitol, 1st Fl., Sacramento, CA 95814

Complete list of all Assembly Members and their contact info here: Ask them to vote NO


If Steinberg's SB 1 (Steinberg's Sustainable Communities Investment Authority) becomes law, what will the cost be to you and each and everyone of us who own private property parcels? I believe this is one of the most dangerous bills and will be the worst abuse of power in California's history, if the Governor doesn't Veto this bill. Danger here is the Democrats may have super majority over the Governor's Veto Power. (SB 1 was Steinberg's SB 1156 last year and the resurrection of Statewide Redevelopment Agencies, but with a new credit card);

SB 1 includes Infrastructure Financing Districts (Senator Lois Wolk SB 33) and Transit Districts (Assemblywoman Ma or other authors). Are you 1/2 mile from a bus or transit stop? SB 1 allows high density 1/2 mile from a bus or transit stop;

No blight findings are required to take private property parcels by Eminent Domain, so the State is saying our private property parcels of all kinds belong to them;

Property Tax Increments like Redevelopment Agencies would divert property taxes from within project area boundaries directly into the general fund of the new "Authority", "Agency", or government entity that's created, which means property taxes would not go to the City or County general funds to pay for public services, but would go directly to the new Authority or Agency and away from special districts like fire and police protection, parks, and libraries (schools would be exempt);

Projects would have to comply with Steinberg's SB 375, which connects land use to AB 32 Global Warming/Climate Change Implementation - (My older neighborhood with large lots does not comply with SB 375, so does that mean my neighborhood is not sustainable and blighted?);

The Governors's High Speed Rail is protected in this bill;

No Voter Approval to create more debt and to create new project boundaries, which could force residents to continually pay for new projects and improvements;

Only Union workers are hired, which would eliminate jobs to those who are not union paying members (Only Project Labor Agreements);

Cities, Counties, and Special Districts can create Joint Powers Agreements/Agencies/Authorities (JPA) and elect a Board that would consist of elected officials, who would than appoint a JPA Director. How many JPA's do you have in your City and/or County? Power would be power to a Director/Chair of a new Board, who is not elected by the people;

Doesn't it appear that this bill would give unknown power to schools, police, fire, libraries, parks, etc. and allow them to borrow money to pay for unfunded pensions and private property parcel owners would be forced to pay for this new debt, but not be allowed to cast our vote in opposition or support?

Please contact your representative in the State Legislature, including Senator Pro tem Darrell Steinberg and the Governor showing your opposition. It's time for tax increment financing to be eliminated or reformed so only those who pay property taxes can vote in support or opposition to an increase of higher property taxes on our property tax bill. Thank you. Karen Klinger